
Must Know Points For 22 Weeks Pregnant: Facts And To Do’s.


See More: 29 Weeks Fetus Development


Medical tests & Scan while 22 Weeks Pregnancy:

Twenty-two weeks of pregnancy care also involves some routine checkups and tests. Most of the women will have their ultrasounds scheduled this month. Besides, you will also be prescribed with a urine test, blood test, and a glucose tolerance test. Physicians may also suggest some other tests based on the mother’s health, along with her medical history. However, the weight and blood pressure have to check every time, to monitor the health of the expecting mother along with her baby. In case of low blood pressure, the mother may be advised with substitutes like coconut water, or sugar-salt mixture to maintain the BP. You can also be recommended with a triple screen test or triple marker test, blood test along with sexually transmitted infections or STIs to safeguard the health of your unborn baby.


What are the tips & precautions to take during 22 weeks of pregnancy?

First of all, congratulations, on the successful completion of half pregnancy journey!! But, do remember the race is on!! So be aware of some essential tips and precautions about 22 weeks pregnant what to expect, which are necessary for you as well as for the baby’s healthy growth and development.

Tips to 22 Weeks Pregnant:

1. Be relaxed and happy always and avoid taking stress for anything; this will cheer up the baby’s growth!!

2. Have a properly balanced diet to enrich your body with all the essential nutrients to meet the body need. But do avoid overeating; instead, you can focus on some small meals.

3. Keep an eye on the baby’s movements as it is essential to judge the development of the fetus. If you are unable to feel anything for long, immediately consult a doctor.

4. Try taking some power naps rather than sleeping long during the day hours. It will keep you refreshed and will keep the stress away.

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