
Must Know Points For 22 Weeks Pregnant: Facts And To Do’s.

1. Blood Functions:

At around this time, the baby’s liver is now starting to work fully with him producing urine filtered by the liver. But the main highlight of the week is your baby’s red blood cells. All these weeks he has been nourishing himself with your share of blood, and by the 22nd week, the baby can produce the red blood cell. These red blood cells that are needed to be broken down by enzymes which miraculously by now will start production in your baby’s body. Then comes the question of the energy cells broken down from the red blood cells. Your baby can now produce bilirubin.

2. Sense Alert:

By the 22nd week, you as a mother have already crossed the midpoint mark and so is your baby. Your baby is now halfway formed and functioning like a shiny new penny. His acute mesh network of nerves inside his body has built and grown. The nerve connectors, myelin have started sending quick impulses to the brain, and this is why his senses are gradually developing. Yawn and facial features, like smiling, can be noticed. In the other big news, his grip is getting stronger as his eyesight improves, and he becomes careful of your voice familiarising himself.


3. The Movements:

By the 22 week pregnancy baby movement, one can quickly determine the gender of the baby, which is entirely something the doctors are not supposed to mention. But what can be caught in the ultrasound is your baby slowly coming to life. The 22 weeks pregnant ultrasound might capture images of her rolling about changing positions and even sleeping in his other favourite position. Certain movements can be noticed, such as her touching the face or sucking her thumb or smiling or frowning etc.

4. Baby Growth:

By the 22 weeks pregnant baby growth, the baby has formed into an individual being resembling a mini form of mother or father. The face is distinct now, and teeth buds and gums are strengthening. Baby’s heartbeat now can be heard clearly and weighs a good 1 pound now. His finger and toenails are formed, and so is his eyes; however, the iris is not yet developed.

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