
Must Know Points For 22 Weeks Pregnant: Facts And To Do’s.

5. Organs:

In this stage, the baby will evolve in all the internal organs, and they will start to work by now. The functioning of the liver and the kidney will be started; wastes will be filtered by the kidney and liver will begin to produce red blood cells. The lungs will begin to intake oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide. The Heart will also begin to function; the heartbeat can be heard with the stethoscope on the mother’s stomach. The nervous system is developed in this stage as the mass interconnection of nerves occurs in the body. Brain’s function will also be generated.

6. Bones:

It is the time where the bones began to develop and geta a stronger structure. The baby is now getting the ability to move its organs, not like the movements in the early stage, but the movements now will be different and notable. As the baby, now has developed bones and joints its tail bones starts to degrade. The most important thing to keep in mind for your condition and your baby’s at this stage is maintained calcium intake. Intake of dairy product and foods that are rich in calcium is important as the baby needs more calcium for bones development.



Diet and Exercise for the 22nd Week:


22nd week pregnancy diet requires a good and nutritious intake. This is because your baby is now capable of needing their good food as they need to contain the energy from your body. Women mostly feel dehydrated during this period, hence it is suggested to see water as your best companion. It will not only keep the body hydrated but will nourish the baby also!! The second priority is allotted to proteins; make sure you have a protein-rich diet, to ensure the healthy and smooth developments within the 22 weeks pregnant fetus.

What to eat at 22 weeks pregnant? For non-vegetarians mothers, the requirement of protein can be covered up with the intake of meat and meat products, whereas for those vegetarian pregnant mothers, the involvement of pulses, tofu, soy products, and other such food products will complete the task. However, to be safe, you can also ask your physician to prescribe a good quality protein supplement.

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