
Quick Guide For Best 20 Photo Frames Crafts You Can Try!

Who doesn’t want to spend time with family? What if I tell you, crafting is a fun way to include elders and kids making beautiful memories. Photo frame crafts can be done either from scratch, or you can also decorate your existing boring frames too!

Implementing a design that reflects your personality and personal style can be exhilarating and fun. Redesign your home with the fun and cost-effective picture frame crafts from this article. With the unique design ideas from this article, you can make crafting an enjoyable family time!


20 Unique Photo Frame Craft Ideas For Kids And Adults:

1. Photo frame craft with ice cream stick:

Icecream sticks or popsicle sticks are some of the widespread things we find lying around. This is a perfect way to use those to form a beautiful ice cream stick photo frame.

Materials you need:

  • Icecreams sticks.
  • Glue.
  • Spare buttons.
  • Sparkles.

How To Do:

  1. Take four icecream sticks forming a square.
  2. Leave half an inch space on four sides, forming an intersection for your beautiful frame.
  3. Stick the intersection with glue and let it dry.
  4. You can decorate the sticks with colorful buttons all around or with sparkles.
  5. This is a simple DIY process you can do with your kids.

2. Cardboard photo frame craft:

Ordering things online has become an integral part of our lives, and so are cardboard boxes that come with those orders. Try this cardboard photo frame craft with your kids with all the leftover cardboard boxes.

Materials you need:

  • Cardboard sheet.
  • Scissors.
  • Glue.
  • Glitters.

How to do:

  1. Take one side of any cardboard box.
  2. Draw a rectangle shape on the sheet and cut it along the line.
  3. Now, draw another rectangle smaller than the one you cut.
  4. Cut along the line forming a rectangular hole.
  5. You can decorate the outer part with glitter making beautiful designs.

See More: Family Craft Ideas

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