12 Months Old Baby – Weight, Baby Care, Development & Milestones
Wow! Your baby is finally 12 months old. So that means that a lot of changes has started to show up by now in the baby, locomotive changes being one of them. The baby is now officially toddler so expect some more changes when you habituated with the present ones. The baby is eager to move out of the comfort zone by this time and will want to learn new things. Whatever the baby is seeing around him or her is a big question and they are always eager for an effective solution for mental satisfaction. They will be crawling a lot and will dream about walking as well.
Emotional feelings will be kicking in pretty soon and one of the most important factors responsible for the rapid changes of babies of this generation will the behavior of the parents and family environment including the behavior of the family people towards the baby. Another important change in the baby is that they will be developing new food habits and will be recognizing foods by their color. They can touch and have a sense of nostalgia or old attachment with the old toys and clothes (smart toddlers).
Milestones of Your 12 Months Old Baby :
Let’s see the important milestones of your baby at 12 month.
12 Months Old Baby Weight:
when the baby is finally 12 months old, it is necessary to figure the weight of the baby. Weighing the baby at this stage is extremely important. The baby will weight about 7.8 kilograms. The baby must not weigh over 11.8 kilograms, which is the maximum for the babies of this age. If there are some changes in the steady weight growth of the baby, then it can be said be the time that you consult a doctor.
The weight of the baby is somehow solely dependent on the the things that the baby has been eating. This doesn’t just include the mother’s milk as the baby is not dependent on that for the past 6 months. The foods that generally count at this time are the solid stuffs that the baby has been eating (prescribed by the doctor). Eating intervals and quantity are also variable factors at this point. Another important factor influencing the weight of the baby is the quality of food being consumer by him or her as only the right quality food can make him grow. Serve the baby with branded products only for offering proper growth.