
Must Know Points For 22 Weeks Pregnant: Facts And To Do’s.

The consumption of caffeine is still a questionable fact. Some studies favour the consumption of caffeine whereas others reported of mishappening with the consumption of caffeinated products. So limit the use of caffeinated products in your diet. Women may also notice regular contractions, before 37 weeks of pregnancy, due to preterm or premature labour pain. Baby delivered before this week is often acknowledged as a premature baby.

A small count of pregnant ladies is also prone to preeclampsia condition, which is correlated with the high blood pressure levels in the body. Additionally, the protein content in liver, kidney or urine is also capable of favouring this condition.



Checklists During 22nd week Pregnant:

Your checklist of 22 weeks pregnant lady should be aware of the following criteria:

  1. Drink a lot of water for keeping your body hydrated. Additionally, keep a sharp eye on the colour of your urine, as it will notify you with the need for water content in your body.
  2. Don’t be lazy and start your day with some comfortable and light exercises. You may also begin with walking and stretching. This exercising will prevent muscle tightening and will relax your mind and body.
  3. Eat healthy food and keep munching throughout the day. Avoid overeating and increase the number of small meals per day, including the consumption of healthy snacks.
  4. Avoid sleeping for long hours, instead prefer to power naps, during the day time.
  5. Preserve your pregnancy memories with write-ups and photos. Maybe someday, they’ll be a bedtime story for your kid.
  6. Start planning for a baby shower party and select a few attractive names for your baby!! This planning will preserve your 22 weeks pregnant pictures in a very creative way.
  7. Plan a pre-pregnancy trip before delivery. This trip will not only refreshes your mood but will also cover up the distance between you and your partner, which got arisen due to your mood swings.


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