
Must Know Points For 22 Weeks Pregnant: Facts And To Do’s.

Women also face the constipation problem during pregnancy. Thus, make sure that you place a full plate salad in your diet plan. Salads can be either of the fruits, veggies or a combination of both. It will supplement your body with the required quantity of fibres that will resolve the constipation issues. Don’t forget to add tomatoes, carrots, and beetroots in this platter with banana, watermelons, and apples.

It is also suggested to involve green leafy vegetables in your 22-week pregnancy diet, as it aids the supply of iron. Besides, you can also churn these fruits with a glass of milk to make a smoothie to have a change!!



Generally, pelvic stretches have proved to be best for regular deliveries. This exercise relaxed the pelvic area and can be done with the help of a ball, chair or even a pillow!! You can also practice yoga to relax your body. It also aims to calming your nervous systems and boosts the energy source hidden within your body. Moreover, walking is considered to be the best exercise during 22nd-week pregnancy.

Hence, it is advised to have a 30 minutes routine walk regularly, to be fit and be assured of sound health. This walking session will also ensure the healthy growth of the fetus and will confirm the usual fluid transfers from the body of the mother to that of the fetus!!

Additionally, the pregnant lady can also practice plies to strengthen hamstrings, butt, and quadriceps, along with the improvement in balancing. Apart from plies, side lying inner and outer thigh exercise is also beneficial for expecting mothers!! And it results in the strong core and inner thighs. Plank exercise, curl and lifting, and one arm row is some of the other activities that can be practised during this of pregnancy.

Moreover, every day 22 weeks pregnancy exercise routine should also include 25 squats, 25 table top reaches, 25 pushups, along with 25 laying leg extension, 12 side triceps push-ups per side, 12 rocking lunges per leg and oblique leg lift per side each!! One should only practice these exercise under the supervision of an expert. You can also join the yoga classes or gym near you to fulfil this criterion.

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