Men's grooming

8 Embarrassing Male Body Problems And How To Fix Them

If there’s one style ‘hack’ that never fails, it’s confidence. Whether it’s a cobalt blue suit or a Cuban heel, a healthy dose of self-belief gives even the most out-there looks a fair chance at success.

So the last thing any man needs is a niggling body issue putting up roadblocks. Sweaty palms and breath that pongs are public enemies number one and two when it comes to feeling good. So we consulted the experts to find out about the most common conditions plaguing men’s confidence, and what to do to beat them.


Jock Itch

What Is It?

Got an urge to scratch south of the border? Good news: it might not be crabs. Bad news: it might be jock itch.

Otherwise known as tinea cruris, this is a fungal infection of the skin around the groin. About as much fun as it sounds, it’s caused by dermatophytes – the same family of fungi that cause athlete’s foot – and has symptoms which include persistent itchiness, a burning sensation and flaking or cracked skin.

“Jock itch is caused when the normal fungus found on the skin overgrows,” says skincare specialist Debbie Thomas. “Although anyone can get it, it’s common in sportsmen who sweat a lot as the fungus loves a warm, damp environment.”

How Do I Beat It?

Don’t worry about accusatory stares from people who think you’re playing with yourself, rest assured you can cure jock itch within a couple of weeks.

“Wash the affected area with soap and water, and dry thoroughly, especially after exercising,” says Thomas. “Wear clean underwear and loose-fitting cotton clothes, and ask your chemist for an anti-fungal cream or powder.”

Jock itch is also very contagious so be careful of sharing towels, clothes and bedding until you’ve had it treated.

Stretch Marks

What Is It?

They may be battle scars nobly earned for bodybuilders, but for the rest of us, stretch marks are an unsightly set of stripes that we can’t unbutton at the end of the day.

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