
Must Know Points For 22 Weeks Pregnant: Facts And To Do’s.


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Physical And Psychological Changes in 22 Week Pregnant lady (Symptoms):

22 weeks pregnancy care involves a lot of precautions and things to keep in mind. One can notice numerous change during this period, which may account for both physical and psychological changes.

  • Twenty-two weeks pregnant symptoms also will begin through the visibility of the stretch marks. It can either be pink or purplish and will be visible on your bump, along with the breasts and thigh areas. Eventually, they will turn silver, owing to the hormonal changes witnessed by the body. However, one may find relaxation if you gently massage it with oils or creams.
  • Pregnancy week 22 what to expect also involves other signs of swollen feet and hands, thicker or shinier hairs, increased rate of body hairs, etc.
  • Swollen hands and feet can be noticed with the tightening of rings or the shoes. It may be because of the collection of more fluid, named oedema, in the body. However, you can also notice sudden severe swelling on face, hands, and feet, pain in ribs, headache issue with vision related problems or severe vomiting; it’s suggested that you consult your doctor immediately to avoid any complications.
  • Further, what happens at 22 weeks of pregnancy? Furthermore, a 22nd-week pregnant lady can also witness the changes like skin, including darkening of nipples and areolas, skin change, and speeding speed of nail growth.
  • In some cases, women may also report having pronounced veins in their breasts, which is completely normal.
  • On the other hand, your skin change may reflect a “special glow,” making it softer and smoother.
  • In exceptional cases, women can have acne related problems, which can be resolved with the use of acne products available in the market.

Other Symptoms:

  • Apart from these, other symptoms twenty two weeks pregnant lady can witness are ingestion problems as your baby starts extracting your energy for his requirements, vaginal discharge, and tenderness near breasts, clumsiness, and snoring.
  • As for the vaginal releases, there is no specific medicine or treatment to stop it. Instead, it happens for a reason, and it indicates that your body is preparing for further changes to handle the pregnancy. However, it is suggested to keep the area clean and dry to avoid any infections.
  • Also, leg cramps, heartburns, constipation, protruding navel, and dizziness are some other optional symptoms, which are reported by a few women at 22 weeks pregnant. It is also usual, and be the result of hormonal changes or when your body is still managing to adopt this pregnancy. But, it is suggested to report every minute problem or issue that you face, to be sure about the safety of your health as well as to that of the baby.
  • Moreover, you will notice the change in your 22 weeks pregnant belly button. It will be more towards the outer side. It will more like an inside out form!! Don’t be afraid; it is an outcome of the resizing belly. It will be gone soon after the delivery.
  • Additionally, some women reported having an increased sex drive during this phase. It may be due to the increased libido along with the changing hormones of your body around this week’s pregnancy. It is not just it; there are many more following things about which you should be aware of.


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