Health & wellness

9 Simple Exercises To Get Rid of Cellulite On Buttocks

Cellulite formation is not linked that how much you eat or you workout. It sometimes appears even if a person is skinny. It is directly linked with genetics, hormonal issues and disrupted and hectic lifestyle factors.

Cellulite development is highest in women because some hormonal changes take place during pregnancy, menstruation and menopause as the blood flows get affected and leads to cellulite. So in order to get rid of cellulite on buttocks and avoid you need to work out in an organized manner and perform exercises which strengthen and tones the buttocks muscles and move towards a healthy lifestyle.


Best and Easy Exercises to Get Rid of Cellulite on Buttocks:

Let’s have a look at top 9 exercises which can help to get rid of cellulite on buttocks.

1. Lying Posture Hip Raise

This exercise works out very well on glutes and hip area.

How to do the exercise

  • Lie down on the mat with both the knee bend and keep the feet on the floor.
  • Place both the arms on your sides.
  • Slowly contract the glutes tightly and lift the hip so that the body is in straight line staring from the shoulders to the knee.
  • Stay in the position for 5 second and come back to starting point.
  • Repeat the steps for 10 times.

2. Hip Roll with Foam Rollers

A workout with foam roller helps in narrowing the hips by slowing down the fluid retention.

How to do the exercise:

  • Lie down on the yoga mat on your left hand side and place the foam roller under the left hip area, keeping the left leg extended on the floor.
  • The right leg should also be extended and placed on the top of right leg and the hands left arms placed on the ground to form 90 degrees and palm touching the floor.
  • Place the right palm on the waist to lend support and leverage.
  • Slowly lift the torso, straighten the left arm ensuring the hand is placed on mat to balance the body weight.
  • Now move the body up and down on the foam roller along with hip and outer thigh for at least 10-15 times and switch sides.
  • Repeat for 2 times on both the sides.

3. Leg Extension with Bend Knees

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