Health & wellness

30 Best Fruits for Quick Weight Loss

The struggle to lose weight is real! But what is even more frustrating is the amount of effort and money going into following fad diets which have no great outcomes. If you are can relate to this problem, then we have good news for you! Instead of buying exotic ingredients, you can now rely on easily available and affordable fruits for weight loss. Surprised to hear this? Well, it’s true!

With a nutrient-rich profile that boasts of high dietary fiber, vitamins and minerals, fruits promote faster weight loss results. However, not all fruits are your friends! This article explains the 30 Best Weight Loss Fruits which will help you shed extra weight and bring back your confidence!


Are Fruits Good for Weight Loss?

Many weight loss diet programs recommend eating at least one or two portions of whole fruits per day. There is a good reason behind this! Studies show that most fruits have anti-obesity effects on the human body. It is known that regular consumption of fruits contributes to a reduced risk of weight gain and its associated diseases like diabetes and heart problems. (1)

Here are some of the major benefits of eating fruits for weight loss:

  • Fruits are an important source of soluble and insoluble dietary fiber, which plays a crucial role in speeding up your digestion and metabolic rate.
  • They also contain key nutrients like vitamins and minerals, which are essential for the well-being of your body.
  • The natural sugars present in them reduce your hunger cravings and keep you full for long.
  • Certain fruits are also low in calories and high in nutrition, which can create a calorie deficit in the body.
  • As they are high in water content, fruits can also hydrate your system and cleanse it from inside.

Best Fruits Available in India to Help with Weight Loss

Are you curious about the list of fruits for weight loss and fat burn? Read along!

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