Health & wellness

Benefits And Risks Involved In Fruit Diet

Fruit diet, commonly called a fruitarian diet, is a highly restrictive vegan diet that excludes all the animal products, including dairy products. So, if we are skipping all the animal products, dairy products, cooked foods, processed foods, and vegetables, one main question arises in our mind is that “Is fruit diet healthy and safe?” To be frank, a fruit diet is not entirely safe and healthy because this diet may cause malnourishment. Several nutrients that are crucial for the body are lacking in this fruitarian diet. Additionally, this diet is also heavy on sugar, causing diabetes, pre-diabetes, or insulin resistance. Hence, most of the nutritionists around the world do not recommend following this diet.


Fruit Diet:

A fruit diet or a fruitarian diet has no specific definition, but people who incorporate 80-90 percentages of raw fruits in their three-course meal are those who follow fruit diet. This diet is also called as a vegan diet because no animal products or dairy products are included in this diet. Some people who follow this diet only eat those fruits which are fallen from the trees, rather than those that have been picked. And Some others don’t eat seeds because they have the ability to become living plants. Some fruitarians include vegetables, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes, grains, and tubers in moderation, and cooking of any of these kinds is wholly avoided.

It looks like the fruit diet is healthy compared to all other diets, but this diet is quite dangerous if followed by a normal person. This is because this diet does not provide you with all the essential nutrients required to the body. For example, the mineral iron is found in leafy vegetables and beans. Iron is the one that helps the red blood cells carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron is not found in the fruit diet, and this becomes tough for the body to produce iron.

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