Health & wellness

14 Amazing Spinach Juice Benefits For Skin, Hair & Health

The nutrition-rich profile of Spinach needs no special mention. This dark green, leafy vegetable offers a plethora of benefits to your body. Often consumed in cooked, raw and pureed form, Spinach juice is also equally popular. It is considered to be one of the healthiest choices to gymgoers and fitness enthusiasts, thanks to its low-calorie profile. Spinach juice is also quite versatile and can be blended with almost any fruit or vegetable to prepare a delicious beverage. In this article, we shall look into some of the best spinach juice benefits for health, hair and skin along with nutritional facts and side effects.

What Is Spinach Juice?

Spinach juice is the liquid extracted from the fresh, raw spinach leaves. It is dark green in colour, with a mildly bitter taste. You might also find the raw smell slightly repulsive at the beginning. This is why Spinach juice is often combined with lime, apple or other fragrant ingredients to camouflage the smell and taste.


Is Spinach Juice Good For Health?

Spinach juice is packed with many important vitamins and minerals. The high nutritional value of this juice helps in keeping away many deficiencies, along with boosting your energy levels. It is also rich in antioxidants that can prevent Cancers and other oxidative diseases. Spinach juice is also loaded with Calcium, Magnesium and Manganese which support your blood and bone health.

Spinach Juice Nutritional Facts:

Listed below is the nutritional value of Spinach Juice per 1 cup serving:

  • Total Calories: 6
  • Carbohydrates: 2 gm
  • Fat: 0
  • Protein: 2 gm
  • Sodium: 48 mg
  • Potassium: 334 mg
  • Vitamin A: 112 %
  • Vitamin C: 28 %
  • Calcium: 6 %
  • Iron: 10 %

How To Make Spinach Juice At Home?

There is no alternative to freshly made Spinach juice. To ensure the best benefits, you must prepare it just before you wish to have, instead of opting for canned or stored drinks. Here is a basic homemade Palak Juice recipe:

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