Health & wellness

Pyramid Meditation Techniques

A pyramid is a three dimensional polyhedron, where all the sides other than the base are triangular. The shape of a pyramid is known to a supernatural source of power or energy. Recently pyramid meditation has become very famous because it helps us to stay in harmony with the people and environment around. It rises the feelings of calmness, well being and gives us a positive attitude to face life and situations with courage.


[Read: Benefits of Raja Yoga Meditation]

The Concept of Pyramid Meditation:

You get the best results from this meditation if you sit facing north. You get a healthier mind and body if you sit facing east. And for wealth in the near future you must sit in the north-east direction. The Pyramid is a geometric amplifier which helps you receive more of the power of prayer. It makes a devotee stronger in his religious beliefs. By the use of this technique of meditation a lot of meditators, have expressed, their results to be very fruitful. They have experienced memory recall, visions of the past incarnation, telepathic communications and an increase in awareness.

The concept that a simple geometric shape could generate energy through meditation seems hard to believe. But the truth is that it works and that too without any side effects. There are a few important points which people should not neglect when they start practicing pyramid meditation. We have been greatly blessed to have been provided with these tips we discuss below.

a. When you are starting to meditate under a pyramid, always keep in mind that you are have a shape which is 4 times higher and bigger than you.

b. You need to know which material to use. You should avoid plastic, plaster of Paris and bricks of cheap quality. These could be responsible to harm your nervous system. Use natural materials like wood, sacred rocks and marbles, crystals, etc. Meditation in Savasana should be used by crystal pyramids.

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