Health & wellnessIngredients

11 Amazing Health Benefits Of Amla and Honey – You Must Know

Amla, also known as Indian Gooseberry is a fruit known for its incredible nutrition benefits. It is known as “Divya Aushada” in Ayurvedic medicine, which is known to keep many ailments at bay. Amla is popularly used in the forms of powder, pickled fruit, juice or oil. It is known by the names Usirikaya (Telugu), Nellikai (Tamil) and Amalaki (Sanskrit). Amla is a very sour fruit which can leave a bitter after taste in the mouth. It is often consumed with Honey, which not only enhances the taste of Amla juice but also doubles up its benefits. In this article, we shall discuss the health benefits of Amla and Honey, when taken together.

Can We Take Amla Juice With Honey?

Adding a few drops of Honey to Amla not only makes the sour fruit potable but also enhances its benefits. Amla and Honey is a wonderful concoction that treats a number of ailments, particularly to offer relief from a sore throat, cold, cough and flu. Amla soaked in honey is also known to stimulate liver functionality, which can help in better production of insulin. Gooseberry and honey, when taken regularly, can aid in weight loss and also lower cholesterol levels. The combination also has wonderful beauty benefits and is known to prevent signs of ageing and promote healthy skin.


Best Benefits Of Amla and Honey:

Honey gooseberry syrup can provide some health benefits that can help to control blood sugar, cure daily cough and cold, strengthen the immune system etc. Check out these best Amla with Honey benefits for health:

1. Proper Digestion:

Amla with honey is one of the effective treatments in aiding better digestion. This mixture produces better gastric juice to digest food properly and also stimulates your appetite. It boosts metabolism for faster digestion of food. This is the best of Honey and Amla health benefits.

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