Clothing and style

How to Look Taller and Leaner (10 Simple Tips)

These 10 techniques will help you dress in a way that makes you look as tall and lean as possible.


While your clothes can’t actually make you go from 5’6” to 6’2”, they can definitely make you look slightly taller and leaner than you really are.

On the flip side, the wrong clothes will make anyone look shorter and even fatter than they really are.

In this guide, I’m going to run through 10 extremely simple tips you can use to make sure your clothes are working for you, and not against you.

What’s wrong with being short?

I want to remind you that there’s nothing wrong with being short. No one chooses their height. No one earns their height.

Much of how we look is determined by the genetic hand we were dealt, and it’s really important to accept yourself and find ways to feel confident that have nothing to do with your physical appearance.

In bare feet, I’m just under 5’6”. As a younger guy, this was a huge source of insecurity for me. But as I’ve gotten older and focused on self-improvement and acceptance, I’ve come to be proud of who I am, and that includes my body.

I’m 5’6? with shoes on, after yoga | shoes | jeans | sweater

Also, style doesn’t have to be about maximing your perceived physique. If you just want to use fashion to express your creativity or personality, go for it.

Maybe you feel awesome in oversized, slouchy fits. That’s great…wear them and don’t worry about how tall your outfits make you look.

For me, I feel best wearing clothes that enhance my physique, and to be honest, I’ve gotten pretty good at it.

So without further adieu, here are 10 tips to dress taller and leaner…

Tip #1: Wear clothes that fit

You’ve heard it before, and hopefully you’re already making this a priority.

But just in case you’re not convinced about the power of fit, just look at these two pictures of me wearing a suit.

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