Health & wellness

Top 9 Zero Oil Food Recipes

It is really the need of the day to eliminate oil from our kitchen, our diets and ultimately our body. Owing to today’s lifestyle, including unhealthy oils do a lot more harm to your body than you can imagine. Here are top nine delicious but zero oil foods for a healthy heart and body.


Zero Oil Food Recipes:

1. Potato Chips:


• 2 medium sized potatoes.

• Salt

• Dry Parsley Leaves.


  • Peel the potatoes and slice them in the form on thin chips.
  • Line a baking sheet and arrange a layer of the sliced potatoes. Sprinkle the salt and the herbs on top to taste.
  • Bake the chips for an hour, or till they turn golden brown and crisp, in a pre-heated oven at 175F.

2. Apple Crispies:


• 1 thinly sliced apple.

• Salt and chilli powder.


  • Mix the spices with the sliced apples, and bake the slices for around 15 minutes in a pre-heated oven at 450F.

3. Bread Pakoda:


• Gram flour 2 cups.

• 8 Bread slices.

• 1/2 t spoon of red chilli powder.

• 1/2 t Spoon of garam masala powder.

• water

• salt


  • Mix all the Masala ingredients in a bowl.
  • Take all the Coating ingredients in a bowl and mix well. Keep adding water gradually to make a lump-free batter of running consistency. Let the batter stay put for around 10-15 minutes.
  • Spread the masala between two slices of bread and cut it into a desired shape if you want. Dip the prepared slices in the coating batter to cover both the sides evenly. Cook the same on a pre-heated griller.

4. Oats Dhokla:


• ½ cup quick cooking powdered oats and semolina, each.

• ¼ cup yoghurt.

• ½ tsp green chilli paste.

• ½ tsp fruit salt.


  • Mix all the ingredients (except the fruit salt) with ¾ cup water in a bowl to make a smooth batter.
  • Add the fruit salt and mix it well with a light hand. Pour the batter out into a container and steam it for around 8-10 minutes. Let it cool and cut it into desired shape.

5. Steamed Dahi Vada:

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