Health & wellness

Top 15 Beauty Habits Before Going To Bed

In a human body skin is the most sensitive part of the body is the one which is exposed to dust, UV rays and cause extensive damage to the skin making it appear dull , you can see premature aging and fine lines can be visible if proper care is not taken. Now we can protect and make the skin look more vibrant than before by just practising some beauty tips before going to bed.

As night time is the best part of the day for the skin as your skin can rejuvenate and again heel all the harshness which it has gone through the whole day. As when we sleep the body generates a growth hormone and repairs all the cells and tissues faster than the day time. So not only a sound sleep is enough to bring back the glorious look you need to follow certain some beauty tip and habits , so that you look younger for decades and always wake up fresh and appear gorgeous.


Beauty Sleep Tips for Face and Skin:

So let’s have a look at the top 15 different beauty habits before going to bed to look beauteous throughout the day.

1. Deep Cleansing of Face Before Going To Bed:

In order to look smart, glamorous and pretty we apply makeup on our face before going out. But ensure that before going to bed you should remove the entire make-up from the face so that you can wake up fresh the next day and the pores are clean and can breathe overnight properly. Without any excuses wash the face with a deep cleansing face wash or scrubber so that all the dirt, debris is removed and you get healthy clean skin. You can even clean the face with a cleansing milk or raw milk also.

2. Apply Toner On the Face:

After cleaning the face it’s mandatory to apply toner as it helps to tighten the pores and maintain the ph balance of the skin making you appear fresh and relaxed. There are many types of toner available but you can also us rose water which is a natural one and can be refrigerated after use.

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