Health & wellness

Mouth Ulcer Causes And Symptoms

Mouth ulcers are aching sores that surface in the mouth, on the inner surface of your cheeks. They are also referred as Aphthous ulcers and turn to be a painful condition while drinking, eating or brushing teeth. Most of the mouth ulcers are harmless as they do not require any medical treatment and heal on their own.

Mouth ulcers are a recurring problem that one in five people suffer with around the world. It is a mixture of bacteria from the surrounding air, and a disturbed liver. A disturbed liver means liver that is either under harm’s way by anything you have consumed recently such as alcohol or if you have a certain liver problem that is either genetic or picked up from somewhere. All this illustrates the fact that an unhealthy liver is the root cause of mouth ulcers. Gastric problems may also cause mouth ulcers as the mouth is linked to the stomach and is one direct route.


Mouth ulcers last not more than two weeks and come and go seasonally, they are extremely painful and hinder our routine of eating. This is because the ulcers can be so painful that even the slightest touch with any substance can trigger a stabbing pain in the mouth thus forcing you to stick to liquids which are much easier to consume.

Mouth ulcers are easy to treat but it can never be gotten rid off in just one day. It is a fact that people suffering with a recurring mouth ulcer problem their entire life have now gotten used to it and pay no heed to its eradication, it comes at its own time and leaves when it wants. Mouth ulcers can extend in the most severe cases all the way down the throat and at this point requires medical attention, only liquids such as warm or cold milk can be consumed at this point.

Causes And Symptoms Of Mouth Ulcers:

What are the symptom and causes of mouth ulcer you can follow below paragraphs carefully.

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