Health & wellness

Abhaya Mudra: How to Perform the Gesture of Fearlessness.

Hand mudras are essential yoga practices that yield spiritual, mental, and physical benefits. Including these mudras into your daily yoga routine can benefit your entire health. Abhaya Mudra is one of those hand gestures, also called the Gesture of fearlessness. This Mudra fills you up with positive energy by reducing the fear that can be detrimental to growth.


Let us go through this article to know more about Abhaya mudra, how to do it, and its benefits.

What is Abhaya Mudra?

Abhaya means fearlessness, and Mudra, signifying Gesture when combined, forms “gesture of fearlessness” in Sanskrit. The popularity of Abhaya Mudra came with Lord Buddha after attaining enlightenment. Many Buddhist artworks display this Gesture, indicating stopping the fears and phobias that can become an obstacle in our lives.

You will be able to open up new dimensions of your life by putting an end to your fear. Jainism, Sikhism, and Hindusim practice Abhaya mudra to shower blessings. It also gives you a sense of peace and harmony by promulgating an understanding of consciousness.

[Read: Top Benefits of Adi Mudra]

Steps To Do Abhaya Mudra:

It is effortless to perform Abhaya mudra; all you have to do is follow these steps:

  • Sit down comfortably in any meditation pose such as padmasana, Vajrasana, Sukhasana, etc. Or you can also stand in the Mountain pose to perform this Mudra.
  • Place your hands on the knees once you are seated. Make sure your palms should be pointed upwards and open.
  • Now, focus on your breathing while closing your eyes while keeping your breathing regular.
  • Now, slowly lift your right hand at the same level as your shoulder.
  • Keep your palm open and straight.
  • Free your mind of any unnecessary thoughts and stay relaxed.
  • You can chant OM for more concentration.
  • At this stage, do not try to control your breathing.
  • Perform three repetitions of this posture for about 10 to 12 minutes.
  • When done, gradually open your eyes and release the fearless Mudra after bringing your hand down.

Time Duration:

There is no fixed time for performing the Abhaya Mudra. Therefore, you can practice this Gesture anywhere and anytime you want. It is also convenient for people with any physical injury, disability, or busy early in the morning. It isn’t essential to be seated to perform Abhaya mudra.

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