Health & wellness

Malasana (Garland Pose) – How To Do And Its Benefits

Yoga in its own way has helped many a lives in many different ways. The long office hauls and the tired evening returns can only be compromised by nothing but a good session of yoga, refreshing you to the core with its small stretches and twists. Even in the earliest of the mornings when the foggy skies prevent you from going on a solid jog, why not use all that energy into performing a good hours’ yoga.

In case you are wondering how yoga helps, there are certain poses and postures, some achievable instantly, some not so easy. One such posture is the Malasana, easy enough if you practice well, hard enough if you ignore it. In today’s article we shall talk about the poses and the benefits of this particular yoga.


See More: Mandalasana

How To Do It?

The English name to this pose is called the Garland. The garland pose mainly relies on toning your body muscles while allowing you to perform your everyday squats at the same time, in the same exercise. Now that you have a gist of what is to come, let’s start off with the workout. All you require for this is a yoga mat and your full concentration.

For this posture we would require you to sit on your toes, knees bent as you recline your body support onto your thighs. Start by standing straight, your spine and neck aligned to each other. Your feet should be spread but straight and parallel to each other. Now keeping your neck and marrow steady, start bending your legs, knee spreading as you go about it.

To elaborate on it more, this is a simple squat, but instead of halfway we go all the way down until we are resting on our bent knee. At this time bring your arms over your knees to fill the small gap in between and fold them together. Now start by pressing your toes against your inner thigh by bringing your limbs closer to your torso. Hold the position for 30 seconds before you inhale and release the posture. Unfold your prayer hands and start straightening out your knees until you are back to position one.

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