Health & wellness

Weight Gain: 18 Fruits and Dry Fruits You Must Eat!

On one side, some people struggle to lose weight and on the end of the spectrum, there is a fair percentage of people who equally struggle to gain weight! No matter how much they eat, these people never reach the “ideal weight” mark and get disappointed. If you belong to this group, then we have some good news for you! There are plenty of fruits for weight gain, which can help you meet your weight goals and make you feel confident again!

But fruits for gaining weight? How is that possible? Although fruits are usually categorized as ‘diet foods’, there are many varieties that can pump up healthy calories into your body and contribute to mass gain. These fruits contain a good number of carbs and even fats, along with essential vitamins and minerals to offer holistic nutrition. Eating them whole or adding them to your weight gain smoothies is the best way to get your scale to show a higher reading!


List Of Top Fruits and Dry Fruits for Weight Gain:

Read along to know about some of the best fruits and dry fruits that will help you gain weight:

Best Fruits for Weight Gain:

1. Coconut Meat Helps in Weight Gain:

Coconut meat is the white, edible flesh of coconuts that has a sweet taste and is one of the best fruits which can help you gain weight. You can either consume the raw one, which is quite sweet and juicy or the dried form which is crunchy and hard. Coconut meat is an energy-dense food which offers about 354 calories (raw coconut meat) and 650 calories (dried coconut meat) per 100 gms of serving size. Additionally, coconut meat is rich in carbohydrates and fats, primarily medium-chain triglycerides or MCT’s which can contribute to mass gain.

2. Eating Bananas Increases Weight:

Bananas are one of the most healthiest fruits for weight gain. These calorie-dense fruits offer 210 calories for a serving size of 2 banana and are also rich in carbohydrates, which can help you gain weight. In addition to this, the nutrient-rich profile of bananas comprising of vitamins like C, B6 and minerals like iron and magnesium strengthens our immunity and promotes better bone milk. Adding honey instead of sugar can increase the richness of taste, along with health benefits.

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