Health & wellness

10 Best Exercises For Varicose Veins Treatment

Varicose veins also referred to as varicose or varicosities are the enlarged, dilated veins filled with blood. These painful veins typically appear twisted, raised, and swollen that have a red or bluish-purple colour. These happen because incompetent valves allow the blood to flow in the opposite direction to pool up. To prevent such conditions, regular physical activity such as exercising can help. However, if the condition is severe, regular exercise should help in keeping the condition at the check and also prevents further progressing of the condition. Here is a list of 10 easy and effective exercises for varicose veins treatment.

Effective Exercises To Reduce Varicose Veins:

Here we enlisted 10 simple and best exercises to cure varicose veins. Let’s have a look into them.


1. Walking:


Walking improves the blood circulation, and moreover, when you walk, the muscles in your legs help push the blood through the veins, which decreases the pressure on the varicose veins.

How To Perform:

  • Go for an early walk daily for at least 45 minutes, preferably in a place where there is a lot of greenery so that you get fresh oxygen.
  • If you are an aged person, consider walking for 15 minutes three times a day. Because continuous walking may cause faintness, dizziness, and problems in the joints.

2. Bicycling:

Bicycling is also one of the exercises that can help in reducing varicose veins. Although this is a low-impact exercise, this can be done by those who want to skip walking. Like walking, bicycling increases blood circulation while protecting the joints. Regular cycling can strengthen the calf muscles and can promote healthy blood flow from the veins to the heart.

How To Perform:

  • Bicycling can be done both on a traditional cycle or on a stationary one. Do cycling for at least 15-30 minutes per day to experience any visible results.
  • This exercise is recommended only for mid-aged people. Old aged people can find difficulty in cycling as it may increase pressure on the heart.

3. Calf Raises:

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