Health & wellness

Gyan Mudra – How To Do Steps And Benefits

I think all of you know that the physical body is prepared up of five elements that are – Air, Fire, Water, Earth plus Aakash (ether – the tiny inter cellular places in the human body). The inequity of these basics disrupts the resistance system and source of disease. Shortage in some of these elements can be completed by linking one element of the body to another in a particular mode throughout Mudras.


Fingers Role In Gyan Mudra :

Once a finger indicates an element is bringing into contact by the thumb, that element is brought into equilibrium. So the disease cause by the inequity is cured. Mudras found electromagnetic currents inside the body that poise a variety of constituting elements plus reinstate health. The union of fingers makes an effect on the human body. Once a finger on behalf of an element is brought into contact by the thumb, that element is bringing into balance. So the disease cause by the disparity is cured. Mudras initiate electromagnetic currents inside the body that balance a variety of constituting elements plus reinstate health. The union of fingers makes an outcome on the human body.

[Read: Hakini Mudra for Brain Power]

Five Fingers For Five Elements In Gyan Mudra:

  • Index: Air- represents wisdom, expansion and openness to change. It is associated with the planet Jupiter and the element Ether.
  • Little: Water- represents our power to relate and communicate with others, and to subconsciously communicate with Self. It is associated with the planet Mercury and the element of Water.
  • Thumb: Fire – It represents the individual or ego.
  • Ring: Earth – represents our physical health, vitality, grace and beauty. It is associated with the planets Sun and Venus as well as the element of Fire.
  • Middle: Aakash- represents the conversion of emotion to devotion and patience. It is associated with the planet Saturn and the element of Air.

Gyan Mudra Meaning, Steps And Benefits:

Here we give a detailed explanation about the importance of Gyan mudra or Dhyan mudra or Jnana mudra, how to do steps, benefits and meaning also.

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