Health & wellness

How to Use Green Coffee For Weight Loss?

If you are a health enthusiast, you must already be familiar with green tea. But, have you ever heard of green coffee? Yes! You read that, right! Green coffee is another variant of regular coffee and is slowly making its way into the mainstream market. Consuming green coffee for weight loss has become the latest fad among the younger generation, and there are a few scientific reasons to support this popularity.

In this article, we shall delve deeper into the link between green coffee beans and weight loss, along with preparation method, benefits, side effects and the best green coffee brands in the market.



  • Is Green Coffee Really Helpful for Weight Loss?
  • How to Use Green Coffee for Weight Loss?
  • Recommended Dosage of Green Coffee per Day
  • Making of Green Coffee for Weight Loss
  • Is Green Coffee Good for Pregnant Women and Children?
  • Green Coffee vs Green Tea: Which is Better for Weight Loss?
  • Top 5 Best Green Coffee for Weight Loss
  • FAQ

Is Green Coffee Really Helpful for Weight Loss?:

Green coffee is prepared from the raw and unroasted beans of the coffee plant. According to a study, Green Coffee Extracts (GCE) contains two main agents – caffeine and chlorogenic acid, which can inhibit fat absorption and activate fat metabolism in the liver (1). Also, certain experiments done on mice revealed that chlorogenic acid is quite effective in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels (2).

However, these experiments are not sufficient to claim that green tea extract can be used as a tool for weight loss. The studies were conducted using limited samples that cannot confirm the efficacy and safety of green tea extract for reducing weight in humans (3).

How to Use Green Coffee Beans for Weight Loss?:

There are two ways to consume green coffee for weight loss – Green Coffee beverage and Green coffee extract supplements.

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