Health & wellness

Pasasana (Noose Pose) – How To Do And Benefits

When we say Pasasana, we are only referring to a speckle of the entire catalogue that we sum up as yoga. The world, especially today’s generation has shifted their focus to body image maintaining. The fitness bug has gotten to everyone where the main element to the fitness is simply having an attractive body, even if it means supplements and dieting.


However, here we have a good solution to the other part and parcel of necessity, the health and satisfaction of mind. It is here that we speak of yoga as true friend always keeping in check our health issues while creating a serene pathway to tranquility of mind. In today’s article we shall venture out on the benefits of one certain pose, the Pasasana as mentioned before and give a brief insight to the steps to performing it.

How To Do Pasasana and its Benefits:

How To Do it?

The Pasasana is also known as the Noose pose. Much like any simple yoga, this too consists of some stretching and twisting, of course backed up by controlled natural breathing, sometimes deep sometimes not so much. However, for the rigid body, the following steps might be a bit difficult to master at the very first chance but there is nothing practice cannot perfect.

Before we start with the yoga here are some by laws you should abide by. Make sure you are performing this empty stomach. Because it is a twist exercise, often you may feel a bit dizzy or light headed after the yoga but this is just your novice self getting used to the perfection. Stand straight on your yoga mat, your arms at your side as you rest them.

See More: Wide Legged Forward Bend

Your legs should be close and parallel to each other. Now take a deep inhale and as you let it down squat down. In this squatting, your limbs should be together, knees touching as you go all the way down until your hips are close enough to touch your heels but never too close that it touches.

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