
People With Tattoos Have Higher Addictive Tendencies

Tattoo art is, for sure, an incredible way of expressing yourself. However, there are times when it can become an addiction and actually lead to multiple risky behaviors.

Let’s find out why people with tattoos may have higher addictive tendencies and what activates this type of behavior.


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Addiction can also appear on a social basis. Many teenagers and young people seek to be accepted into a group and, ultimately, receive the attention and approval of its members. In order to do so, however, most catch on risky behaviors in order to maintain their status within that particular group.

At this age, a tattoo clearly catches your eye, which boosts the desire for attention. Having a tattoo may make you look ‘cooler’ than others in your friends’ eyes, and so, you receive the approval you are seeking.

However, those who start young with such behaviors that dwell upon the opinions of others are likely to develop multiple addictions over time, which can permanently alter their life.

The rush in dopamine provided by tattoos

Besides the obvious desire for attention (which a tattoo certainly fulfills through its intricate and unique design), some people might find relief and understanding in their tattoo.

Therefore, it can be viewed as a way of expressing and exposing their ongoing pain to the world while getting comfort that the events they’ve gone through are no longer kept shut in silence. And that is also a type of reward!

An addiction never comes alone

Do you know the saying ‘one trouble never comes alone? Well, addiction works on the same principle, as people usually engage in more than one risky behavior.

The worst part, however, is that they might not even realize when they have become addicted until their physical health has already been compromised. Here are a couple of examples.

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