Tattoos or Tattoo Alternatives when You Are a Student?
If you find yourself sitting on the fence when it comes to getting a tattoo, review these tips to help decide if tattoos or tattoo alternatives are for you.
Though tattoos have become a common body adornment, they may not be the best choice for every student. In fact, a tattoo alternative may be the better choice.
There are three types of people who get tattoo body art. So defines the following: the Memorializers, the Communicators, and the Normalizers. These all warrant definition.
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The Tattooed Memorializers
These are the ones who have gotten tattoos to represent a monumental achievement, special memory, or significant event. For example (name has been changed) Mary, feeling detached and mis-understood most of her child hood years, started doing what so many other teens have done when they fill dead inside; she started cutting herself; specifically in the wrist area.
Some years later, after counseling and emotional healing, she covered up those wrist scars with a tattoo that says: live, laugh love. Each day that tattoo reminds her of the redemptive life she now lives with hope and optimism.
A memorializor sees a tattoo as a personally intimate monument of courage, celebration or healing.
The Tattooed Communicators
Body art for a communicator is a statement that puts personality or belief on public display. The body is used as a canvas for all the world to see. The internal soul, using an external medium.
Communicators have no interest in the status quo of the cultural norms they find themselves a part of. Symbolism is vital. Body art is the communicating the essence of the philosophical, cultic or metaphysical beliefs of the wearer. These folks are collect images on their bodies as a gallery gathers art for an exhibition. It’s all about communication through artistic expression.