College life

10 Things on My Winter Break Bucket List

As we all know, winter is coming. Goodbye football games, pumpkin spice lattes, and ankle booties. Hello basketball games, peppermint mochas, and over-the-knee boots!

Finals are over, the stress is gone (for a month at least), and no more 8 am classes! Winter break is the perfect time to hibernate under the covers, but be sure to treat yourself and have some fun after this semester as well!


It’s like every time a new season approaches, I have all of these neat things I want to do, but never get around to doing them. So without further ado, here is my winter break bucket list:

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I know I said not to hibernate under the covers, but this isn’t hibernating, it’s relaxing! This is the number one thing we all need to do. Everybody deserves a little R&R.

Watch some Netflix, paint your nails, have a glass of wine (if you’re of age) or some tea, read a book. Or do all of the above! Just please do something to reset for next semester!

2. Catch Up with My High School Friends

Now I know all your friends in college are awesome, but don’t forget about your friends back home! How many times have you texted a friend from back home, promised to get together, and then just never did it? I am guilty of doing it quite often.

So this break, instead of saying something and not doing it, I want to make a real effort to reconnect with high school friends, even if it’s just to grab a latte. There’s nothing better in the cold months than good conversations over coffee!

3. Go Sledding

I feel like this is one of those childhood things that we all grow out of. We lose the little kid in us sometimes! I remember how much of a blast sledding was as a kid and I want to relive that feeling this season.

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