College life

21 Lessons I’ve Learned in 21 Years

I’m turning 21 on April 24th, 2018 and I truly can’t believe it. As a kid, I always wondered what I would be doing around this age and now it’s a reality. It’s crazy to think how fast time flies.

In my just-over-two-decades on this earth — oh my goodness, I’ve been alive for two decades — I’ve learned quite a few things about life and about myself. So why not reflect on everything that’s happened up to this point? Here are 21 lessons I’ve learned in 21 years.

Remember when you used to be excited to blow out candles?

Table of Contents

1. Circumstances change

It’s easy for me to stress over little things. When plans don’t go my way, I dwell on them and it’s hard to see the positive of that particular situation. Dealing with change does not come naturally to me.

However, over the years I’ve learned that everything changes at some point. The situations that I’m dealing with today won’t be the same in a few years or even a few days. There’s comfort in recognizing that fact and rolling with whatever life throws my way.

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