How to Handle a Breakup in a Healthy Way (It’s Possible!)
Breakups. They’re never easy but we all go through them. But how do we do so in the healthiest possible way? Sometimes our first reaction is to get angry or maybe get into a deep depressive state. However, there are ways to use a breakup to your advantage and manage it well. Just follow the these simple steps to deal with your breakup in a healthy manner.
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1. Contact Purge
The first thing you should do after a breakup is to purge your ex from all of your social media and from your phone. A breakup means a new beginning and you don’t want to start a new chapter in your life constantly looking back. Since we’re all on social media so frequently, it’s too hard to ignore posts from your ex. I also suggest deleting your pictures with an ex from social media (or at least archiving them) and maybe leaving them in a little flash drive for when you’re ready to look back.
Take your time before you look through the photos again or unmute your ex’s Instagram story. When a breakup is fresh, it’s better to give yourself more space than you think you need and to take extra time to be sure you’re OK.
2. Use Your Support System
When in a time of crisis it’s always important to lean on your friends. While it’s great to talk to friends and vent out your emotions, take them up on their offers to help you as well. Let your friends take you out to lunches or coffee to take your mind off of the breakup.
While it’s great to reflect on a relationship, it’s also important to move forward. So have your friends as a shoulder to cry on but also allow them to help put a smile back on your face.
3. Don’t Make Rash Decisions
Many times our initial reactions to a breakup aren’t our best. When a breakup is fresh, your mind (understandably) wants you to move your focus elsewhere. This can lead to bad decisions like going out and drinking excessively, hooking up with strangers, or putting yourself into dangerous situations.