Health & wellness

15 Yoga Poses For Children – Steps & Benefits

  • It is essential to factor in the overall health of the children before enrolling them into yoga sessions
  • Children with certain ailments such as asthma, bronchitis etc. may have to avoid few breathing techniques.
  • One must take proper measures while stretching and performing few asanas that may strain your muscles, in order to avoid muscle tears and joint injuries.

Kids are free spirited and they have wide imagination that adults can never understand. So the kids need to be molded with care. This is the best time to introduce yoga to kids. People of all ages from adults to children and preschoolers have been practicing yoga, which is essential for a healthy lifestyle and to maintain that connection with mind, body and soul. It gives you a new perspective of life and always keeps you aware and fresh. You gains mental stability and it enhances brain activity, leading a balanced healthy life. So, start today and take a vow to live healthy. Our yoga for preschoolers is aimed at an overall development of the child. Please share your feedback with us if you gained some knowledge about kid’s yoga.


I understand that any form of exercise contained physical movement including yoga. And with that physical injury cannot be avoided completely. So as a parent of a minor I am aware of the risk that is included in any physical exercise the kid is participating. I hereby agree that the yoga classes may not be liable to bear any injury caused to my kid in any case. So I hereby agree to all the terms and conditions mentioned above and I am ready for my child’s participation in the classes.


Frequently Asked Questions And Answers:

1. Does my child need to have prior experience?

No, the child does not need to have prior experience in yoga to join. The kids as young as 2 years can do yoga. Not with the perfect poses at the beginning but they will surely be better with poses later with regular practice.

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