Health & wellness

15 Yoga Poses For Children – Steps & Benefits


  • Lie with flat feet on the back and palms on each side of the body.
  • Push the shoulders back towards the spine.
  • Lift the body in cobra pose and keep the chin up, use hand for support without giving much pressure.
  • Giving the stretch on stomach and upper part.
  • Release after 15 to 30 seconds, slowly putting the body in lying down posture.


  • It strengthens the spin
  • Stretches the shoulder, abdomen, chest and buttocks
  • It is good for people suffering from asthma
  • It releases fatigue and stimulates the abdominal organs

9. Marjaryasana or Cat Pose:

This pose is slow kneading for back and core


  • Make a table top position using knees and hands.
  • The toes should be curled and knees should be below the hips
  • Wrists, elbows and shoulder should be perpendicular and straight to the floor.
  • Arch the spine up towards the ceiling while exhaling
  • Bend the head towards the floor without forcing the chin towards chest
  • Inhale and come back to the table top position back


  • It relaxes and stretches the neck, spine organs of the abdomen

See More: Benefits of Yoga

10. Mandukasana or Frog Pose:

This is a simple yoga pose. You may get relieved from back pain and sprains.


  • Go on the floor on the knees and hands,
  • And position knees some inches apart and place feet right behind
  • Place the palm right below the shoulders and look downward on the floor between the hands
  • Now push the back towards the spine, this will stretch your spine
  • Move the knees towards the sides slowly
  • Start sliding downwards and keep the palm flat against the floor
  • While exhaling, keep pushing the hips backwards.
  • Hold this position for 3 to 5 breaths
  • And now come back to the table top position


  • It stretches your hips, spine and thighs.

11. Baddha Konasana or Butterfly Pose:

You have to sit in butterfly position and your kid will flutter like graceful butterfly.

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