Tattoo ideas

What Does Pinocchio Tattoo Mean?

There are many great Disney tattoos and other types of animated designs that people can choose from, but most of them aren’t quite as meaningful as the Pinocchio tattoo. He’s a classic character from a classic story that many people could relate to when they were kids. He also happens to be a very cool character to get in a tattoo, so there really is a lot to like about these designs. On this page we will take a look at some of the most commonly used Pinocchio tattoo meanings and some of the ways that you can get him drawn up on your skin.

Easily the most common reason why people choose to get Pinocchio tattoos is because the movie or the character himself was their favorite when they were children. When you use this reason for getting one of these designs, you really don’t have to add in any extra images or text for people to know exactly why it’s on your skin. They will recognize right away that you have great memories of the character and the story just by seeing this little guy in one of his classic poses.


One very cool Pinocchio tattoo meaning that people like to use is “breaking free.” Remember that Pinocchio started out as a puppet and, like Pinocchio, people want the chance to “cut the strings” and live their own lives without people looking over their shoulders or controlling them all of the time. You can make this meaning clearer by showing the strings being cut, though that really isn’t necessary, especially if you want to keep the meaning to yourself.

The Pinocchio tattoo can also be great for anyone who considers him or herself a dreamer. Pinocchio is always trying to find a way to get the most out of his existence, which is something that many of us try to do. If you are the type of person who is constantly trying to think of creative ways to make the most of your days, this really could be a great tattoo idea for you.

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