Health & wellness

15 Yoga Poses For Children – Steps & Benefits


  • Begin by standing with your toes touching each other and heels apart by a few inches.
  • Swing yourself back and forth, gently and slowly come to a standstill. This would balance your weight evenly on both feet.
  • Keep your thigh muscle firm, raise your knees and draw in your tummy..
  • Force your shoulders into your back and let your arms hang beside the torso.
  • Breathe deeply and stay in this pose for almost a minute and release.


  • Performing tadasana reduces flat feet, improves posture.
  • It also strengthens the core muscles and legs.
  • It helps in tonning buttocks and abdomen
  • If you practice this asana regularly your knees thighs and ankle become stronger.
  • Your spine gets more agile.
  • This asana is great for balancing.

The little angels would thank you when they have grown up, for a healthy body and mind they have!!

5. Setu Bandhasana or Bridge Pose:

This pose reminds you of a bridge as it is shaped like it and is named after it. This posture can be done by pregnant women also as it reduces backache. This asana relaxes your body to core. This asana should be done with an empty stomach and bowel. This asana is not recommended for people having neck problems. Practicing the bridge pose improves blood circulation, stimulates the lungs and abdominal organs. It also helps to alleviate mild depression and stress.


  • Lie on your back and bend both your knees by placing both the feet flat on the ground with your knees apart.
  • Move your arms alongside to your body with your palms facing down and little fingers must slightly touch your heels.
  • Now press your feet into the ground, inhale and pull your hips up. Squeeze your knees to maintain the distance between the knees.
  • Press down your arms and shoulder on the ground and lift your chest up. Take a deep breath and hold for 10 seconds.
  • Slowly exhale and lie back on the floor and relax. Repeat this 4-5 times.


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