Health & wellness

14 Amazing Kale Juice Benefits For Health, Hair & Skin

With rising health consciousness among the current generation of people, Juices have taken a significant place in everyday diets. Apart from the regular fruit juices, consuming vegetable juices have shown effective results in the body. Particularly, the green coloured juices with Kale as the main ingredient is made a mandate for every health freak! A glass of Kale juice is so high on nutrition that it is treated as a meal supplement. Kale is a green coloured leafy vegetable with a scientific name of “Brassica Oleracea”. In this article, we shall discuss the numerous Kale Juice Benefits, the preparation method and its side effects.


What Is Kale Juice?

Kale juice is prepared from the leaves of Kale vegetable. Pure Kale juice is bitter in taste and hence is added with other vegetables, fruits or even lemon juice. This not only camouflages the bitterness but also maximizes the health benefits. However, people who have acquired the taste of it can consume Kale juice on its own.

Is Kale Juice Good For You?

Kale juice is power-packed with nutrition and is regarded as a miracle drink. With high amounts of anti-oxidants, Vitamin C, A and K, drinking Kale juice regularly can reduce the dependency on multi-vitamin supplements. With about 80mg of Calcium content, Kale juice can strengthen your bones, nails and hair. It is also a great immunity booster and is sure to take your health to the next level.

Kale Juice Nutrition Facts:

Check out the nutrition breakup of Pure Kale Juice made with 1 cup of Kale leaves:

  • Total Calories: 36
  • Total Fat: 0.5 gm
  • Sodium: 30 mg
  • Total Carbohydrates: 7.3 gm
  • Dietary Fiber: 2.6 gm
  • Protein: 2.5 gm
  • Vitamin A: 354 %
  • Vitamin C: 88 %
  • Calcium: 94 mg
  • Iron: 1.2 mg

How To Make Kale Juice At Home?

Pure Kale juice is made with juicing Kale leaves in a blender. However, not many people appreciate its taste and hence is combined with carrots and apples in this recipe. Let’s look at the process below:

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