Tattoo ideas

What Does Superman Tattoo Mean?

Of the super heroes that have ever existed, I don’t think there is one more famous than the one we know as the Superman. Of all DC characters in existence, Superman is probably the most famous in front of some of the better known super heroes like Batman, Flash and Wonder Woman. These superheroes inspired us as children and gave the ideas that anything was possible. Fighting crime, flying, kicking some bad guy butts and doing all of this under the disguise of a character with traits connected to superpowers.

The fandom of these characters doesn’t stop at buying comic books. People go much further to honor their favorite superheroes and by getting a tattoo, you’re telling the world that you are all in for your guy or girl. In this specific case we are talking about Superman. The tattoo for superman is not a hard one to notice as many of the symbols and colors have long been associated with him.


In this post we are going to talk about the history of Superman and talk about the Superman tattoo meaning. To the people that have this tattoo, the meaning could vary depending on how they feel they are connected to the character. However, there are some common themes in terms of symbolism. We are also going to talk about some of the different variations of the Superman tattoo as there are a lot. Something that has been around this long is bound to have some variations. By the end of this post we hope that you have a better understanding of the Superman tattoo and what it means to those that rock it.

Superman Tattoo Meaning

Created in the 1930s by two high school students, Superman has become one of the most influential and recognizable comic book heroes in the world. With his vivid blue suit and red cape adorned with the yellow and angular “S”, Superman is a hero favorited among many. He is a symbol of strength, protection, and hope for preservation against villainy. As a representation of heroism above all else, Superman is a striking image.

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