Tattoos with meaning

What Does Filigree Tattoo Mean?

Making a tattoo a filigree tattoo isn’t necessarily going to add in any meanings to your design, but it can potentially give it a very special look. It’s also a style that isn’t too popular right now, so you can be sure that you will end up with a unique tattoo should you choose to implement this style. On this page we are going to take a look at what filigree tattoos are and some examples of designs that you can make using this style.

The filigree style that was popularized in the mid-1600s is one in which gold or silver (or sometimes both) was used in jewelry, but in a different sort of way. The metals were twisted together by wires or beaded up and combined together to make interesting pieces. It gives pieces an almost three dimensional look and is still pretty popular in some African countries.


With filigree tattoos, people want to bring that style that has been around for hundreds of years and modernize it a bit in their tattoo designs. What’s cool about using this style in tattoos is that you can make it work in completely new ways. It used to be that only jewelry and a few other items were made this way, but in tattooing you can make just about anything into a filigree design.

In most cases people who decide to get a filigree tattoo want to give their designs a more polished and perhaps a more distinguished look. Sometimes this style is used to make an image look more realistic, while in other cases people use it to make their designs look a bit aged. You’re only limited by your artistic skills here, but even if you aren’t an artist most tattooists will be happy to help add a bit of this style into your tattoo idea.

Clocks and watches have long been known for looking great in the filigree style, and they also happen to look amazing as filigree tattoos. The clock and watch faces themselves are usually left untouched while the area around the faces have this style. It makes the clocks and watches pop a bit more or even can give them look like they were made inside of your skin.

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