Health & wellness

Top 25 Indian Grandma Home Remedies for Weight Loss Fast

Excessive weight is always unpleasant to look and weight loss is the only solution to that. Weight loss means removing unnecessary fat that has been deposited in your body because of unhealthy eating habits and lethargy. People who usually suffer from obesity can opt for several natural home remedies for weight loss which works fast unlike other weight loss methods.

Many want to get rid of this bad fat and are trying different kinds of fad diets and tricks that are not working for them. So, for that kind of crowd, we decided to give you some of the easy to do natural weight loss remedies and methods you can try at your home. All of them are real and have shown great results.


Top 25 Grandma Home Remedies for Weight Loss in 2 Weeks:

Here are the 25 Effective and best home remedies for weight loss and most of them are available in your kitchen itself. Let’s check out them one by one.

1. Lemon and Water:

A great and best remedy for weight loss is to use the lemon and water trick. This is something you must have first thing in the morning. Here is how to do it.

How To Use:

  • Lukewarm boil one full glass of water. Wait for it to come close to normal temperature.
  • Now squeeze the drops of lemon in the water and stir it well.
  • Drink it and make this a part of your daily habit.

When To Consume:

  • You can have this once in the morning and once at night or you can just stick with having it once the early morning.
  • This natural weight loss remedy has been the easiest to do and the most preferred choice of many people.

2. The Five Meal Daily Plan:

The best home remedy for weight loss is using the five meal daily plan. This one is very effective and shows results only within a few months. Follow this strict diet plan for some months and see great results.

How To Plan a Diet:

  • Have a breakfast of 250 to 300 calories first.
  • It is best to avoid deep-fried food like vada or bonda.
  • Then as a mid-morning snack, have a handful of nuts.
  • Take your lunch at 1 p.m. opt for healthy fruit or veggie salad.
  • Go for an afternoon snack at 2 30. You can have an apple or maybe two crackers.
  • Have your dinner at 6 pm. A bowl full of veggies is ideal.
  • Drink water after this and end it with a cup of organic brown rice and chicken curry.

Extra Tip: In between all this, take an adequate amount of water. Do not skip water at any cost.

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