
13 Best Indian Home Remedies for Abortion at Early Weeks

Found out that you are pregnant? Instead of being happy, are you feeling disappointed and nervous? You are not alone! Many women go through the same emotions when they are under-prepared for a baby, either physically or psychologically. Whether it is for a lucrative career or ill health or any other reason, home remedies for abortion can give you a way out of unwanted pregnancy.

If you are willing to take that route, this article serves as an extensive guide to better prepare for it. You may opt between the two types of Abortion methods – medical and surgical procedures, self-abortion using home remedies. Let us learn in-depth about natural remedies for abortion potential benefits, risks, and side effects. and also, get an understanding of home remedies for abortion post-recovery tips and signs.


What is Abortion:

Abortion is a deliberate attempt to expelling the fetus or embryo before it takes birth as an alive child. The other names for abortion are termination and feticide.

(Abortion Vs Miscarriage)

In human beings, the whole gestation period is about 39 weeks, during which the first 8 weeks is the embryo stage, and the rest is the fetal stage. Certain women may have a natural abortion, called “miscarriage” when the embryo or fetus gets expelled naturally. The actual term of abortion is applicable only when it is externally induced by specific methods, to terminate pregnancy voluntarily. This can be done before the stage of viability, which is 20 weeks or fetal weight <500 gms

Talking of abortion, we also need to understand the terms – Complete abortion and Missed abortion.

  • A Complete abortion occurs when the fetus totally comes out of the womb and is referred to as a successful case.
  • In Missed abortion, the entire fetus or parts of it remain inside the womb, giving rise to infections. In this case, surgical intervention is a must!

History of Abortion:

If you thought abortion is a modern-day concept, you are so wrong! The earliest known cases of voluntary abortion also called induced abortion, were recorded during the Egyptian era. Harsh non-surgical practices like strenuous labor, pouring hot water on the abdomen, etc., were employed, which resulted in untimely deaths of the women. However, with observation and advancement of medical knowledge, these barbaric practices gave way to proven scientific methods.

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