
Top 50 Best Outdoor Jobs For Outdoorsmen – Careers Outside Of The Office

The confines of the office aren’t for everyone; in fact, most would argue that man wasn’t meant to be indoors all day, bound to a desk, under the harsh glare of fluorescent lighting and constant drone of a supervisor. For that reason, many seek professions that allow them to retreat outdoors and back into the moving world. And, surprisingly enough, many of those professions pay extremely well, if not better than the standard office salary.

Working outdoors keeps you fit and in a much healthier, clearer state of mind. The sun on your face and fresh air in your lungs can work miracles on the body and psyche. The question still lingers: what outdoor job is right for you?


Landscaper, construction worker, forest ranger, archaeologist, landscape architect, environmental scientist, regional or urban planner, marine biologist-these are just a handful of potential professions that will keep you largely outdoors and in your true element. These outdoor jobs also contribute to the preservation and protection of the environment, encouraging you to utilize a number of tools and talents to provide a worthwhile service you can go home at the end of the day feeling genuinely good about.

Among the trees or fathoms under the sea, fighting fires or sculpting landscapes, the best outdoor jobs likewise bring out the best in you. They are the jobs in which your skills and assets are not only met with proper gratitude and respect, but produce results that are sure to last beyond the next generation.

1. Agronomist

There is a growing demand for men who know about growing (try saying that 10 times fast!). Agronomists research crop and seed specifics, finding new ways of growing more food with less resources.

As befitting a job related to plants, there is, of course, room for growth as an agronomist. A few more specialized areas are field sales, technical sales, soil scientist, and research analysis. An agronomist earns an average salary of $50,406 per year.

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