
A Complete Guide About Fish Oil During Pregnancy

Reason for Taking Fish Oil Supplements (Omega 3) During Pregnancy:

  • For people who do not consume fish, getting Omega 3 from plant-based sources is very difficult and not that effective too.
  • Consuming fish with mercury during pregnancy could be dangerous, and it can be best avoided by consuming fish oil capsules for pregnancy.
  • Fish oil supplements are the best supplements to get Omega 3 fatty acids as it contains the maximum level of DHA and EPA.

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Role Of Fish Oil for Baby Development:

The following are the various benefits acquired by the baby on consuming fish oil during pregnancy:

  • Taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy aids in healthier growth of the child during the first six years of his life.
  • Fish oil supplements have a positive impact on the bone and muscle mass of the child. They are larger and less prone to be obese.
  • The EPA component of fish oil supports the immune system, heart, and inflammatory response while the DHA component supports the eyes, brain and the central nervous system.

A Word of Caution!

While consumption of oily seafood is good for the baby. Do not go overboard because freshwater catches have a possibility of being infected with pollutants present in the water. Such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB) PCB buildup in your body can tamper with the health of your unborn. Also, consumption of toxic fishes can also cause mercury poisoning through biomagnification. So beware of what you eat!

If you are not a fish eater and you prefer taking fish oil supplements during pregnancy. Make sure to consult your doctor before on deciding on which supplement to go for. Take good care of what you eat, and you will end up taking very good care of your baby even before it is born.

See More: essential oils to avoid pregnancy

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