Health & wellness

Iron Rich Foods: 30+ Best Natural Foods With High Iron Content

30. Pasta:

Pasta can be a wonderful addition to your iron-rich diet as it offers good amounts of this mineral. A 100gms serving of cooked Sphagetti offers about 1.3mg of iron which is 7% of DV. Adding high-iron vegetables and meat to pasta can help you meet your daily recommended values of iron.

31. Dark Chocolate:

If you are fond of dark chocolate, then you just found an iron-rich treasure! Dark chocolate (45-59%) is a high iron food which offers about 8mg of iron per 100gms serving (15% of DV). Apart from iron, Dark chocolate is a good source of anti-oxidants and minerals such as zinc, magnesium etc.


Those are some of the best iron-rich foods to include your diet! Instead of sticking to just one food group or type, you can try a combination of these foods to get wholesome nutrition. For border-level iron deficiencies, eating these foods should help you regain your iron levels and lower the chances of getting anemic.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in the article is purely for the informational purpose(s) only. The article is not suitable to replace professional advice or opinion by a qualified medical practitioner, nutritionist or doctor. The nutritional information and values mentioned in the article may not be accurate and the user is completely responsible for ensuring their correctness.


1. What are the two types of dietary iron?

Ans: There are two types of iron available in foods – heme and non-heme. Heme iron is derived only from animal sources such as meat, fish, liver etc. Non-heme iron is derived from plant-based foods such as vegetables, fruits, lentils, beans etc. The body doesn’t absorb non-heme iron as quickly as it absorbed heme iron. So, you must consume more quantities of plant-based iron-rich foods to cope up with deficiencies.

2. How do I raise my iron levels quickly?

Ans: To increase iron absorption in the body, you must eat good amounts of Vitamin-C rich foods. The list include citrus fruits, cantaloupes, berries etc. Along with that, some doctors may also prescribe Vitamin C supplements along with iron pills for improved absorption.

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