Health & wellness

Hand Mudra For Back Pain – How To Do Steps And Benefits

Mudra or yoga exercises is proved to be beneficial for the human body and the lifestyle. Many scientists have proved that if you want to lead a healthy lifestyle you need to incorporate mudras or yoga exercises in your daily life routine. There are a number of exercises in order to deal with your health problems. So, today we are discussing the yoga mudra for back pain.


Back pain is one of the most common problems in your daily lifestyle. The long working hours, daily stress and all that make back pain a very common problem. In some cases it can be temporary whereas in some people back pain is very common I have heard many people complaining that back pain is an integral part of the daily lifestyle. So, since this post is associated with mudras for back pain.

Read: Bhairava Mudra – Gesture in Yoga Fingers

Let’s ask a question are there any mudra for healing back pain? Have you ever heard of anything called back pain mudra?

Mudra For Back Pain:

Back pain mudra is very effective to treat back pains. It is actually a hand gesture which is very effective against back mudras. We can call it precisely a hand mudra for back pain. These hand mudras for back pain are said to be extremely effective against back aches. This hand mudra helps in balancing body energy thus treating or resisting your body against back pains.

How To Do Hand Mudras For Back Pain And Benefits:

Just like most of the mudras this mudra is also done with hands or most precisely fingers. It is actually a finger movement which aims at getting rid of back pains or back aches. This works both on lower as well as upper back pains.

You need to sit down firstly in padmasana or lotus pose. The main aim is to sit down in a comfortable position. You can close your eyes if you want, this will help you to concentrate and meditate much better. Also, another major question is now should you sit. I suggest sitting on a simple light mat or even a light carpet will work too.

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