College life

What I Wore: Sorority Rush

In case you’re new here, the What I Wore series is about my personal experiences as a college freshman through fashion. Follow me and my outfits on this crazy, new ride as I register for classes, rush, and try to figure out college in general!


I’m so excited to be posting my third What I Wore installment. I can’t believe I’m already in my fourth week of my freshman year. Where has the time gone? The days have been flying by as I’ve attempted to push myself out of my comfort zone and adjust to college life.

Speaking of leaving comfort zones, I recently went through formal sorority recruitment. Though I am shy and introverted, I’ve always wanted to join a sorority. For me, signing up for recruitment in the fall seemed like a no-brainer.

I hope readers know: in the What I Wore Series, I try to keep everything real and share my genuine experience. So I’m not going to lie and tell y’all that recruitment was a breeze. For some girls, maybe it is. But it wasn’t for me. 

Table of Contents

The Highs & Lows of Sorority Recruitment

I attend a small private liberal arts college, so the Greek system isn’t as prominent here as it is at other schools. However, the process was still very stressful. It was sad at times and happy at others. Frankly, I found it difficult to cope with this at times. And my recruitment only spanned four days!

However, the highs were very high. Bonding with other girls in the sorority was extremely rewarding-and it made me excited to (hopefully) come back the next day. I adored the singing and clapping, and had a wonderful time learning about the chapter’s philanthropy.

I am happy to say I think I’ve found my home. Every girl kept telling me “trust the process,” “trust the process,” which I found difficult to believe. The process at the time didn’t seem so perfect. However, now that I’ve gone through recruitment, I can honestly say everything happens for a reason. Some girls dropped because they didn’t feel it was right for them, which was totally OK. Some girls stayed in, despite fighting doubt. I can honestly say, no matter what: it will work out for the best in the end.

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