Health & wellness

Tulsi: Benefits, Side Effects, and Preparation.

Tulsi or holy basil is a plant found in every Indian household and has spiritual importance. It is cultivated throughout Southeast Asia and native to the Indian subcontinent. Titled “Queen of Herbs,” Tulsi effectively protects our bodies from several health ailments. Thus, it is not only worshiped but also has a special place in Ayurvedic medicine. In this article, we have discussed the beneficial effects of Tulsi in detail. Read on to know more!


What is Tulsi (Holi Basil) and Types:

The holy basil plant is a leafy herb belonging to the mint family and is commonly called Tulsi in India. Rama Tulsi, Krishna tulsi, and Vana tulsi are the three variants of tulsi found in India. They have similar tastes and are used in the same way in several medications. Holy Basil has been used as a culinary herb in Italian and Southeast Asian cuisines predominantly and cultivated for more than 5000 years.

1. Rama Tulsi:

Also called Sri Tulsi, the taste of Rama Tulsi is on the sweeter side and has healing properties. It is mainly used for medicinal and religious purposes and is found across the country.

2. Krishna Tulsi:

Krishna tulsi or Shyama tulsi leaves have a crisp texture and have a unique color. This variant of tulsi is mainly used in treating conditions like nasal lesions, skin diseases, earache, throat infections since this type of tulsi is primarily used for medicinal purposes.

3. Vana Tulsi:

Also called wild tulsi, Vana tulsi helps boost immunity, is usually cultivated around the Himalayas, and has a strong aroma. This variant of tulsi builds physical and mental endurance and has anti-aging properties.

Holy Basil Benefits:

Health Benefits of Tulsi:

The anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties of holy Basil make it an excellent treatment option for many health issues. Here we present you with all the health benefits Holy Basil offers so that you can incorporate them into your daily routine and reap the benefits.

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