Fashion tips

How & Why to Dress Like You’re Going to Run Into Your Worst Enemy

Coco Chanel was a true icon, and amongst the many pieces of wisdom she left us with is one of my favorite quotes of all time: 

“Dress like you are going to meet your worst enemy today.”


And, why wouldn’t you? It has been proven time and time again that the way we dress affects the way we feel, and feeling amazing in your clothes is a simple way to boost your self-confidence on a daily basis.

Say it’s been a rough week, and on Thursday morning you just want to put on your comfiest grey hoodie and hide your face from the world; go to class and just make it through the day, totally unseen and unheard from. We’ve all been there, and while that’s a perfectly fine way to cope, wouldn’t it be so much better to consciously turn your week around and feel on top of the world? 

What if I told you that a little pop of color is all you need to do just that?

Take a look at this outfit:

Products: Dress – Goodnight Macaroon, Earrings – Kate Spade, Cardigan – Mango, Sandals – Sam Edelman

Doesn’t it make you happy? Or rather, doesn’t that yellow sundress look like something a happy person would wear? Over a pair of tights and with some boots this look even works for a warm winter day. I guarantee that if you put it on and take a look in the mirror, you’ll see a smiling face looking back at you. Warm colors such as this bright yellow evoke a warm, reassured emotional response, and you simply can’t help but feel a little better when you look at them!

So, what if you took an extra couple of minutes to get ready in the morning, and instead of grabbing that grey hoodie, you searched your closet for something floral, or maybe something orange, and even if it felt a little silly, threw a new outfit together, dabbed a little lip gloss on and didn’t hide your face from anyone? I’m willing to bet it would change your day entirely.

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