Fashion tips

How to Wear Florals and Stripes Together

Welcome to the first article of my new series, Mixed Prints 101! I decided to create this series since, like most people, I used to fear mixing patterns together. With the popularity of minimalist wardrobes on the rise, it’s safe to assume that I’m not the only one with this fear.

I’m all about a great capsule wardrobe, but when someone tells me they only wear one or two colors, I have to ask why? After going through an all-black phase in my early college career, I eventually became bored with the monotony (and the more than occasional person mistaking me for a store employee… cue eye roll).


As I began to experiment with fashion as a form of self-expression and creativity, I became increasingly interested in mixed prints.

At first, I would stare into my closet and contemplate whether my favorite purple plaid blouse could be paired with studded cheetah print flats. While holding up different patterned pieces, a series of silently worried questions would play through my head…

“What if I end up looking like my grandma’s living room? Or that awful family photo of my relatives donning a collection of clashing retro ’90s patterns? What if someone calls me out for looking like a hot mess?!”

Yes, there are many cringe-inducing examples of mixed patterns gone wrong, but it’s safe to say that YOU are the best judge of what looks good on you. (In fact, after throwing on my purple plaid blouse, black skinny jeans, and studded cheetah flats, I looked in the mirror and thought, “Damn, I look good!” )

In the spirit of helping you achieve mixed pattern proficiency, every couple of weeks, I will pick out one or more pattern combinations and give you a small lookbook with tips on how to wear those patterns for all occasions and in various degrees.

This week, we’re celebrating the classic coupling of florals and stripes and giving you tips and tricks on how to rock these prints together! We’ve already talked about stripe outfits, so let’s mix them with florals and see what happens.

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