
My 5 Favorite Online Shopping Spots for College Girls

It’s that time of the year again: homecoming, fraternity parties, and parents weekend are all coming up. You don’t need to leave your house to find the perfect outfit! Just charge your laptop, grab a hot cup of joe, and embrace all of the perks of online shopping

Without further ado, I give you my five favorite online shopping destinations for college girls..


Happy spending! 

Table of Contents

If you’re looking for something down-to-earth and chic...

1. Effin Shop

Products, left to right: 1, 2, 3

This is one of my go-to online shops for anything, whether it’s an outfit for date night or day-to-day basics. 

Effin Shop is fun for many reasons. Based in Hollywood, it’s owned by BFFs Vanessa Bisetti and Danielle Torriero. They started the shop from the ground up, pulling clothes from brands like Lush, Knot Sisters, and Rails. Instead of using professional models, they model the clothes themselves. The best part? When you order from Effin Shop, you get a handwritten note from the founders. Too cute!

“It’s really important to us that people understand why we’re so involved with the company and the photoshoots…” explains Danielle, “If we don’t like a piece when we have it on and feel uncomfortable, it doesn’t even make it to the shop for customers to see, that’s how important it is for us.”


  • New additions every Tuesday
  • Free return shipping anytime
  • Free shipping on orders over $100
  • An amazing sale section…

If you’re looking for something bold and edgy

2. Missguided

Products, left to right: 1, 2, 3

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