Men's lifestyle

31 Things No Modern Man Should Ever Do

Being a modern man means many things. It means being kind, open minded, it means not looking at another person and immediately thinking ‘me want sex’ like the Neanderthals that went before us.

A modern man accepts that the world has turned, he embraces the rapid diminishing of the gender divide, he even peruses the expensive shower gel aisle in his local chemists without scoffing at the price. The modern man looks good, smells good and is, overall, good.


He also does none of these 31 cardinal sins.

Refuse A New Experience

Gone are the meat-and-potatoes ‘I know what I like and like what I know’ days of yore. We now live in a world brimming with possibilities, from driving really fast cars to running a marathon (probably quite a lot slower). Keep your mind open at all times. Well, OK, within reason.

Have A Sense Of Entitlement

Here’s the thing guys – this long road we call life, it’s an unpredictable beast, and no one really, honestly knows what they’re doing (just look at the whole of 2016 for proof). So if you want something, chances are it won’t just come to you.

Resent Other People’s Success

The gigantic downside of social media is that it surreptitiously snares you into judging your life in comparison to others. But remember – it’s not real, it’s just people curating the life story they want you to see. So, you know, chill out.

Complain Constantly

Ever noticed that whenever you start talking about how misunderstood you are, everyone around you widens their eyes and slowly backs out of the room?


The black dog is real, affecting around one in every six men, and should be taken seriously. However, if you’re just feeling a wittle bwit sad because your boss doesn’t tell you how amazing you are every second of every day or give you that raise? Oh stop whining man! Just get out there and get on with it.

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